The overarching ambition of the ALDREN initiative is to consolidate, promote and implement an extended harmonized procedure, based on the European Common Voluntary Certification Scheme for non-residential buildings (EVCS) and a set of relevant instruments, in order to support building deep renovation operations, all along the process, tackling its organizational, financial and technical components issues. In line with the development of the EVCS, the primary scope is focused on non-residential buildings (especially offices and hotels).

Hotels and offices have been identified by the Triple E market study (see references) as the sectors that are most likely to benefit from a common European scheme. The characteristics of suitable buildings have to fit the requirements for deep renovation (at least 60% of energy savings or achieved NZEB level). For economy of scale, it is intended in the proposal to certify larger buildings and a yearly calculated non-renewable primary energy use before renovation more than 200 kWh/m2. The ALDREN procedure will be used to determine the improvements in multiple aspects (e.g. energy performance, health and wellbeing, asset value, actual performance).


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 754159. The information in this publication does not necessarily represent the view of the European Commission.
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