On February 24, some IVE technicians met with members of the IVE Certification Entity, to advance the integration of ALDREN into “BES office” certification. Since 2017 the IVE Certification Entity offers “BES Office”, which is a certification for buildings and office premises in use, in which a company or organization is normally developing its professional activity.

The Certification Entity has indicated that the BES guide is currently under review as they have received allegations from the Architects association. Therefore, it is a good time to include improvements aligned with BES. In addition, the BES guide is in the process of being part of the official publications of the Valencian regional Government (Generalitat Valenciana). This fact gives it greater reach and recognition among professionals.

The Certification Entity has been very interested in increasing the importance of energy audits in obtaining the BES certificate. Also, in reducing the gap between estimated and actual energy consumption. They consider it a differentiating point to offer a set of recommendations through the Renovation Roadmap of the Building Passport.

The Certification Entity has clarified that the process to make changes to the BES guide is slow. The changes considered should be reviewed by the authors and approved by all members of the certification commission at a meeting convened for that purpose.

The intention of the Certification Entity is to create a list of changes aligned with ALDREN that improve BES before June. These changes should be reviewed by the authors of the BES guide and approved by the Certification Commission at their next meeting.

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