by Pepa Esparza | Jul 8, 2019 | CONFERENCE, NEWS
For supporting the transposition and implementation of the revised EPBD, REHVA organised a joint session at EUSEW 2019 of 5 lightning talks (EPBCenter, CEN-CE project, U-CERT project, QUEST project and ALDREN project) for igniting the much needed discussion about how...
by Pepa Esparza | Jul 8, 2019 | NEWS, WORKSHOP
ALDREN was pleased to participate in the ACE Energy day on the 18th June 2019. At the occasion, ALDREN shared experiences about the challenges, opportunities and lessons learned with 4 other projects (ALDREN, Fit-to-NZEB, HAPPEN, iBRoad, TripleA-reno) funded by H2020....
by Pepa Esparza | Jul 5, 2019 | NEWS, WORKSHOP
On July 1st, representatives of public administration, business, analytical centres and non-governmental organizations from the countries in Visegrad group had a chance to engage in a knowledge exchange on best practices for climate action in the transport and...
by Pepa Esparza | Jul 5, 2019 | ARTICLE, NEWS
Authors: Pawel WARGOCKI (DTU), Corinne MANDIN (CSTB), Wenjuan WEI (CSTB)May 2019, Full article: click here One of the main thrusts of ALDREN is benchmarking the quality of the indoor environment (IEQ) in buildings that have undergone DER. The reason for this is...
by Pepa Esparza | Jun 26, 2019 | NEWS, PILOT
After an intense data gathering campaign and energy audits “Les Dunes Comodoro Hotel”, one of the pilot buildings located in the Valencian Region and member of HOSBEC association, has been already tested through the ALDREN methodology. Energy Efficiency and Health and...
by admin | May 28, 2019 | CONFERENCE, NEWS
The 20th International Conference: THERMAL PROTECTION OF BUILDIGNS 2019 took place in Strbske pleso on 22-24 May 2019 (Slovakia). ALDREN team (ENBEE, CSTB) presented contribution on the importance of hourly calculation step for energy performance...
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